I've never done an online blog before but thought it would be a good idea to start my journey in 2012 with something written. I've previously used a diary with motivational photos and comments but that just wont work this time i don't think. So here is a little about me, just enough to let you get a picture of me without giving away my identity.
I'm in my early 20's and currently studying so that i can help disadvantaged families. I work Tuesday-Fridays to help pay bills because Centrelink doesn't pay students very well at all. I have had problems with eating and the way i see myself and have been on again, off again "I'm going to loose weight/I'm going to eat whatever i want". In the medical world this is called ED-NOS - Eating Disdorder, Not otherwise Specified. It means, i'm not skinny/dedicated enough to be anorexic (Ana), i don't throw up enough to be bulimic (Mia), and I don't eat enough to have Binge Eating Disorder (BED). I would probably be diagnosed with Body Dismorphic Disorder if i ever told a therapist what i really feel.
I have this thought process in my head (No, it's not like i'm hearing voices, its like my thoughts go off on their own tangent) that is always saying to me "Why bother eating healthy, you are only going to get fat anyway? Why not eat that cake? Go on, you've already eaten shit food today, there is no hope for you now? Just worry about it tomorrow. Don't bother going for a walk, you are a fat lazy person, why kid yourself" I call this thought Eddie (diriving from EDNOS) and when i see Eddie in my head, its an old fat lady in a MuuMuu sitting on a recliner lounge, really ugly, bad skin eating chips and chocolate and coke. She is what i will turn into if i cannot shut her up. But it's so hard. It is not uncommon for me to stand somewhere for 10 minutes straight, just arguing with my head. "I will go for a walk" "Why bother? It's hot outside, you will get sweaty" "But i need to do exercise" "Why? Just sit down on the lounge and have some chips" "No, i need to exercise, i don't want to get fat" "You are already fat, why bother? Go on, have some chips" This is what i have in my head, every day. I am constantly fighting with myself. And if i give in just once, thats it for the rest of the day, Eddie wins and its harder to fight. "You have already stuffed up, why bother trying now"
Reading all this, you are probably imagining a large ugly person right? Well this is where it all gets stupid for me. I'm 50 something kilograms (About 100-110 pounds for you Americans out there). I have a fast metabolism so when i do eat shit foods, no one else notices and the only way i can (if I don't use my scales) is the fact that my pants are a little tighter to do up. How fucked up is that? I keep telling myself, my metabolism will give out but then Eddie goes "You are skinny, why bother trying right now" I want to be 45 kgs, and then, seeing how i look and feel, maybe even 40. My lowest recorded weight (when i had epic motivation and Eddie had shut up for a good number of months) is 42.6. God i was so damn proud of myself.
So here is 2012's starting progress. Today i am only drinking liquids. I had had a few days there of McDonalds and other shitty foods and i got constipated. I tell you what, sitting on the toilet in your boyfriends house for an hour, trying to poop without ripping your hole open is a huge wakeup call. So i'm starting again. I don't have my scales set up yet but i will keep you informed.
So here goes, my first ever Blog.
Think Thin, Stay Strong
For those who don't want this life and still have a chance to get out, PLEASE CALL (in Australia)
Lifeline 13 11 14
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